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Diversity Education Children/Youth Organizations

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African American Leadership Forum As a democratic, people-powered movement, all work of the AALF is done through convenings, work groups, and action teams. Meeting and being together is how we build social capital and communal power. Our network creates the space for African Ameri.. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Collective Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education Isolated Impact
Black Data Processing Associates of Southern Minnesota BDPA is an international organization with a diverse membership of professionals and students at all levels in the fields of information technology, computer science and related S.T.E.M fields. Members are actively engaged in serving the community th.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Computer Literacy ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Mentoring ; STEM ; Technology Enablement ; Workforce Development Learning Environment Global Technovation Challenge Isolated Impact
Boys and Girls Club of Rochester Our mission is to empower all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring community members. 501C-3 Non-Profit Best Practice ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Mentoring Financial Stress/Homelessness [u'Collective Impact', u'ICI']
Christ United Methodist Church Missions & Social Justice is a coalition of many areas of ministry in our church, in our community, and beyond. Faith-based Aging ; Anti Discrimination ; Basic Needs ; Caring Relationship ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion Rochester Racial Justice Toolkit Collective Impact
Diversity Council Educate people to embrace diversity as a foundation for building a healthy, prosperous and inclusive community. 501C-3 Non-Profit Best Practice ; Business Process ; Children & Youth ; Consultancy ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Immigration ; Leadership ; Pandemic ; Welcoming ; Workforce Development Comprehensive ; Financial Stress/Homelessness Allies & Advocates ; America's City for Health ; Bystander to Upstander ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan ; Diversity Council Civic Equity Focus Area ; Diversity Council Rochester Area Racial Attitude Survey ; EquityLogic (Becoming the Solution) ; Health Equity: Community Health Collaboration Portal ; High School Graduation Network ; Intercultural Center, Rochester (Creating a 21st Century Community Space) ; Prenatal to Age 3 Network ; Project HEALINGS of MN ; The Village Community Garden & Learning Center (VCGLC) ; Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index ; Youth & Whole Family Training System Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan [u'Pause', u'Collective Impact']
First Unitarian Universalist Church The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Rochester is a religious community of almost 400 members. We practice “liberal” religion, which means that we do not require our members to subscribe to a creed, but rather support each other as we learn,.. Faith-based Caring Relationship ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Immigration Legal Defense Fund Isolated Impact
Good Earth Village Good Earth Village is a ministry built to develop leaders who see God's creative, redemptive work in the world; people who recognize their gifts and answer the call to use them. Ministry offerings include a full-service retreat center, summer camp p.. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Faith-based Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion Isolated Impact
ISAIAH ISAIAH is a vehicle for congregations, clergy, and people of faith to act collectively and powerfully towards racial and economic equity in the state of Minnesota. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Faith-based Civic Engagement ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Governance/Public Policy ; Health ; Housing ; Income ; Sustainability Financial Stress/Homelessness Barbershops Creating Change in the Community ; Homes for our Neighbors [u'Collective Impact']
Journey to Growth Partnership A 501C3 organization that oversees the implementation of the Journey to Growth economic development plan. Funds-recipient and governance tool for the J2G plan from governments and corporate foundations. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Commerce Business Process ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Governance/Public Policy ; STEM ; Transportation ; Vision/Identity Create a regional brand and communication platform Pause
Journie Our youth face a myriad of challenges in adolescence and the transition to adulthood. At Journie, we know that our youth are smart, creative, and curious. We see their limitless potential and aim to provide them with the skills and resources to envi.. Collective Children & Youth ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education Journie 8 Step Program [u'Steady']
Justice & Opportunity for Youth (JOY) JOY connects with young women and girls in middle school and high school, encouraging healthy relationships and good decision-making skills. We strive to build them into leaders in their schools and communities. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; TBD Steady
Little Moments Count Little Moments Count is a statewide movement to help parents and the community understand the importance of talking, playing, reading and singing early and often with children. We are a collaborative of organizations working to help increase parent a.. Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion America's City for Health ; Commitment to Action for Racial Justice project ; Culturally Powered Communities ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan ; Families Matter Mental Health Collaboration ; Joint Studies on tackling Racism as a Public Health Issue Collective Impact
Minnesota Youth Council Rochester Chapter The mission of the Minnesota Youth Council is to elevate and celebrate the voices and opinions of young people, especially those whose voices are not often heard. The MYC envisions that youth from all backgrounds can become effective leaders with age.. Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education Isolated Impact
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of SE MN Our mission is to improve the lives of individuals affected by mental illness through education, support, research, and advocacy. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Mental Health Mental Health Community Health Assessment Process ; Southeast Regional Crisis Center Mental Health Services Collective Impact
Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) A Results-Focused Collaborative:To improve the egregious disparities that face our community, “doing good work” is no longer enough for our organizations. The NAZ collaborative is at the forefront of a next generation nonprofit movement that focuses .. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Collective Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Governance/Public Policy ; Workforce Development Collective Impact
Official Love Official Love Community Organization is an emerging, community-focused, membership organization. Official Love’s vision is to promote and advance social and emotional learning, health and wellness, and community engagement of young people through the.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; TBD Startup
Olmsted County BRIDGE Collaborative The Minnesota Legislature established Children’s Mental Health Collaboratives and Family Services Collaboratives in 1993 as innovative approaches to address the needs of children and youth who face complex problems involving them and their families w.. Collective Basic Needs ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Health ; Mental Health Financial Stress/Homelessness ; Mental Health Isolated Impact
Olmsted Outreach The mission of Olmsted Outreach is to reach out to Rochester, greater Olmsted County and communities around the world with the love of Jesus Christ to meet people's physical, social emotional, educational and spiritual needs. Olmsted Outreach has.. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Collective ; Faith-based Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Medical Services Financial Stress/Homelessness ; Vaccine Preventable Diseases The Meadow Park Initiative Steady
Operation Nourish We started in the winter of 2015 as a way to support youth in Project Legacy. Since then, with the help of close to 30 volunteers, we have purchased food based off of grocery lists we receive from youth in the program - for thousands of items needed!.. Collective Basic Needs ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion Project Legacy Startup
Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota We are an organization that is passionate about three things: sexual and reproductive health care, education and advocacy. And for almost 100 years Planned Parenthood has been steadfast in pursuing these goals. Our unwavering commitments: We b.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Health ; Medical Services ; Special Needs Health & Wellness Isolated Impact
RPS Racial Equity Advisory Team (Community Focus Team) The Community Focus Team will dedicate itself to engaging all school district stakeholders in conversations about racism and its effects regarding equity and disparity of marginalized student populations and provide advice/counsel and recommendati.. Collective Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education Closing referral disparities (resolution agreement with Office of Civil Rights) AVID: advancement via individual determination implementation in RPS ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan Pause
Rochester Area Family Y Providing for the spiritual, mental and physical well-being of the individual, family and community. 501C-3 Non-Profit Aging ; Children & Youth ; Chronic Illness ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Health ; Mentoring ; Networking ; Pandemic ; Recreation & Open Space Health & Wellness Sports, Recreation, Nature UMR and Recreation Comprehensive ; Diabetes ; Financial Stress/Homelessness ; Obesity Community Health Assessment Process ; Education, Health and Recreation Space (DMC UMR/Rec sub-district) ; For a Better Us ; LIVEStrong ; Rochester Y Community Health Living Index Assessment (CHLI) Age-Friendly Olmsted County (AFOC) Plan ; Allies & Advocates ; America's City for Health ; Coalition for Rochester Area Housing ; Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) ; Destination Medical Center (DMC) ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan ; Health Equity: Community Health Collaboration Portal ; In City for Good (In the Shadow of Growth) ; Jeremiah Program (Campus for Single Mothers and their Children) ; Maintain and Evolve the 2016 Rochester/Olmsted County Compass Points (Community Dashboard) ; Non-profit Consortium Buildout ; Rochester A City of Compassion (RocCoC) ; Rochester NAACP And Mayo Clinic AD MERG Launch “Love Wins: Community Empowerment Initiative to Uplift Black/African American and Broader Rochester Community ; Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index Pause
Rochester Arts and Science Academy RASA aims to develop active learners, well-rounded individuals and engaged world citizens. Our teachers channel children’s natural curiosity to develop lifelong inquirers prepared to thrive in a diverse world. As an International Baccalaureate (IB) W.. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Education Institution Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; TBD Steady
Rochester Civic Theatre Company The Rochester Civic Theatre Company is a non-profit organization that educates and enriches the adults and young people of Rochester and southeastern Minnesota through the production and presentation of live theater, music and dance. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion Isolated Impact
Rochester Community Initiative (RCI) he RCI (Rochester Community Initiative) is a youth-led organization focused on improving our community through amplifying youth voice, intersectional advocacy, community education, and serving underprivileged demographics. Our work is focused on maki.. Collective Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Mental Health ; Mentoring Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan [u'Collective Impact']
Rochester Public Schools Our mission is to inspire, challenge, and empower all students with the knowledge and skills required to reach their full potential, to contribute to future generations, and to become involved members of a global community. Education Institution Addiction ; Children & Youth ; Commitment ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Income ; Interaction ; Mental Health ; Pandemic Vaccine Preventable Diseases AVID: advancement via individual determination implementation in RPS ; Closing referral disparities (resolution agreement with Office of Civil Rights) ; Community Health Assessment Process ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan ; Rochester Public Schools Strategic Plan Collective Impact
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) SEARAC is a national organization that advances the interests of Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese Americans by empowering communities through advocacy, leadership development, and capacity building to create a socially just and equitable society. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion Isolated Impact
Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation Since 1986, Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation has been a catalyst for economic growth in 20 Minnesota counties. Over the past 28 years, SMIF has worked to leverage assets, foster collaboration, increase funding, and enhance knowledge. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Foundation Best Practice ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Entrepreneurship Prosperity Initiative ; SE Mn Together: A regional community growth initiative [u'Collective Impact', u'ICI']
The Reading Center Toward literacy for all: Test: people of all ages to identify learning disabilities Tutor: individuals with specially trained therapists Train: educators to use the Orton-Gillingham approach Talk: to communities to raise awareness about dyslexia .. 501C-3 Non-Profit Children & Youth ; Disabilities ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Reading Mental Health Adult Basic Education (ABE) ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan ; Rochester Reading Champions (Literacy Tutoring) Steady
United Way of Southeast Minnesota United Way of Olmsted County unites people and resources to improve lives in the community with a focus on education, income, health, and basic needs – the building blocks for a good quality of life. We do this by convening the community to address k.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Basic Needs ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Health ; Income ; Mental Health ; Neighborhood ; Pandemic Health & Wellness Financial Stress/Homelessness ; Mental Health ; Obesity Build Back Better Request for Proposal ; Culturally Powered Communities ; Developing and Executing on Cradle to Career Plan Barbershops Creating Change in the Community ; Building Out Community Mobilization Resources Coalition [u'Collective Impact', u'ICI']
Voices for Racial Justice As Minnesota changes demographically, the urgency for true racial equity is greater than ever. Voices for Racial Justice works statewide – because communities of color and American Indian communities live throughout Minnesota – to break down the syst.. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Collective Civic Engagement ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Housing Health & Wellness Financial Stress/Homelessness Community Dashboard ; Engage the Community Isolated Impact
Women's Leadership Council United Way Women's Leadership Councils are dynamic forces that have responded to United Way's call to action - to increase the number of volunteers focusing on this issue by one million - as we are committed to recruiting 100,000 volunteers. We know .. Collective Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education Steady
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