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Diversity Arts and Culture Organizations

    Organization   Description   Sector   General Impact   DMC Impact   Impact    Confirmed Project   Potential Project   Life Cycle Ranking 
Alliance of Chicanos, Hispanics and Latin American--Rochester ACHLA is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that works to respond to the needs of Chicanos, Hispanics and Latin Americans in our community. Our philosophy is to work cooperatively with other organizations that offer services and resources to our t.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Leadership Intercultural Center, Rochester (Creating a 21st Century Community Space) ; Journey to Growth Plan ; The Rochester Early Childhood Education Hub ; The Village Community Garden & Learning Center (VCGLC) [u'Steady']
Asian Media Access Asian Media Access (AMA) is a comprehensive community media arts education agency supporting creative solutions for problems facing Asian American & Pacific Islander (AAPI) community through education, production, information technology and community.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Pandemic Project HEALINGS of MN Collective Impact
Chabad-Lubavitch of Southern Minnesota Our Mission: Chabad-Lubavitch of Southern Minnesota promotes traditional values and social services for anyone regardless of race, religion, orientation. Chabad's primary focus is to reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness. Chabad-.. 501C-3 Non-Profit ; Faith-based Arts & Culture ; Caring Relationship ; Diversity and Inclusion Steady
Chinese Community Center The Chinese Community Center is a nonprofit 501c3 organization based in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. Founded by a group of grassroots community organizers with diverse professional backgrounds, we connect the local Chinese and AAPI communities .. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Pandemic Project HEALINGS of MN Rochester Intercultural Economic Exchange (RICE) [u'Collective Impact']
Community Development (City of Rochester) Our mission is to enrich our community’s future by fostering creative and innovative strategies to cultivate sustainable economic growth, build and preserve healthy neighborhoods, enhance our natural environment, and nurture arts and cultural opportu.. Government Agency Arts & Culture ; Business Process ; Clean Air & water ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Heritage Preservation ; Housing ; Neighborhood ; Sustainability ; Universal Design Destination Medical Center (DMC) ; Planning To Succeed: Rochester 2040 Comprehensive Plan (P2S) ; Sustainability and Resiliency Action Plan [u'Collective Impact']
Community Mobilization Resource Coalition (CMRC) This group offers a centralized point for individuals who are seeking community resources. These resources will build capacity for diverse communities in Rochester, serve as a bridge to community integration and provide a platform for integrating div.. Collective Arts & Culture ; Best Practice ; Civic Engagement ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Workforce Development ; Vision/Identity Building Out Community Mobilization Resources Coalition ; Co-design Tracker ; Coalition for Rochester Area Housing ; Discovery Walk Co-designing ; Intercultural Center, Rochester (Creating a 21st Century Community Space) ; Joint Studies on tackling Racism as a Public Health Issue ; NIH ComPASS: Intersection of Food, Culture & Health Grant Proposal ; RCTC/Perkins Collective Impact Healthy Living Rochester ; Lifestyle Wellness Awareness Month [u'Startup']
Community Supported Film Community Supported Film’s mission is to integrate training in documentary filmmaking, social issue storytelling and awareness building by: Training storytellers from poor and developing communities in non-fiction filmmaking and assisting them wit.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Immigration Collective Impact
Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio (CLUES) CLUES is Minnesota’s largest Latino-led nonprofit organization, founded in 1981 by and for Latinos to provide culturally and linguistically relevant social services. In addition to its Headquarters in St. Paul and its office on Lake Street in Minneap.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Immigration Legacy Arts and Cultural Heritage Isolated Impact
CultureBrokers, LLC Since 2005, CultureBrokers® LLC has offered results-oriented products and services to help clients develop, leverage and sustain critical intercultural relationships. We are a one-stop shop offering a range of practical off-the-shelf and customized s.. Commerce Arts & Culture ; Best Practice ; Business Process ; Consultancy ; Diversity and Inclusion Learning Environment Update Intercultural Cities Initiative (ICI) Index Isolated Impact
Ethiopian Community of Rochester Our core values are family, friendship, connection, and culture. People identify themselves as not only as Ethiopian but also through their languages, their cultures, their family, and through their connections. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion Building Out Community Mobilization Resources Coalition ; Culturally Powered Communities Intercultural Center, Rochester (Creating a 21st Century Community Space) [u'Startup']
Friends of Indian Heights Friends of Indian Heights (FOIH) provide stewardship, advocacy, and education to actively preserve, restore, and respect the endangered environment and unified neighborhood of Indian Heights Park (IHP) and Thompson Mill Race Park (TMRP) in Rochester,.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Recreation & Open Space ; Sustainability Retail, Dining & Entertainment, Arts & Culture Steady
Greater Rochester Area Dakota Supporters (GRADS) The Greater Rochester Area Dakota Supporters (GRADS) is a grass roots non-profit organization in Rochester, Minnesota with a mission of promoting healing and understanding through education and reconciliation. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion [u'Isolated Impact']
Griot Arts MN Griot Arts is a hub and collective for artists and community members in Rochester, MN. Griot works to amplify the voices of Black artists in Southeast Minnesota and to support creatives, makers, artivists, arts educators, and culture-bearers working .. Commerce Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion Retail, Dining & Entertainment, Arts & Culture Bloom Rochester River Front Project ; Caring Conversations [u'Startup']
Health and Heritage Association Mission: To accelerate the understanding and appreciation for all cultures through education, preservation, strategy, and philanthropy. Visions: · Assist all generations within our diverse community to retain an understanding and respect for thei.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; TBD Comprehensive Startup
Indian Cultural Association of Minnesota Our purpose is to Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, and Create a platform to serve and support the cultural and educational needs of the Asian Indian community. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion Steady
International Film Festival The Rochester International Film Group (RIFG) is a non-profit arts organization of southeastern Minnesota film enthusiasts dedicated to the goal of having quality international and independent films. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion Retail, Dining & Entertainment, Arts & Culture Learning Environment Sports, Recreation, Nature Steady
MPR Regional Development Advisory Council Rochester (RDAC) Community members who volunteer to help MPR connect with greater Rochester area. Collective Arts & Culture ; Caring Relationship ; Diversity and Inclusion [u'Isolated Impact']
Minneapolis Foundation The Foundation sparks positive change in the community in three ways: We administer more than 1,200 charitable funds that enable individuals, families, and businesses to support causes they are passionate about. We invest our unrestricted.. Foundation Arts & Culture ; Best Practice ; Business Process ; Civic Engagement ; Diversity and Inclusion OneMinneapolis Collective Impact
Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce At Minnesota Hmong Chamber of Commerce, we are striving to provide equitable memberships to our businesses and community members. We are proud to be an advocate for the business community and will work hard to meet your business expectation. As we bo.. Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; TBD Collective Impact
Minnesota Humanities Center (MHC) Building a thoughtful, literate, and engaged society. Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion Legacy Arts and Cultural Heritage Collective Impact
Rochester Cambodian Association Promoting Cambodian Culture and helping the Rochester area community through various service projects Collective Arts & Culture ; CMRC ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Pandemic COVID-19 Info Sharing App [u'Steady']
Rochester Chinese School Rochester Chinese School (RCS) is an independent non-profit organization founded in 1998, run by a group of highly motivated parents and volunteers, and co-sponsored by Rochester Community and Technical College (RCTC). We are one of the 300+ member s.. Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Education ; Language Global Connections Community ; Rochester Intercultural Economic Exchange (RICE) Collective Impact
Rochester Civic Theatre Company The Rochester Civic Theatre Company is a non-profit organization that educates and enriches the adults and young people of Rochester and southeastern Minnesota through the production and presentation of live theater, music and dance. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Children & Youth ; Diversity and Inclusion Isolated Impact
Rochester International Association (RIA) The RIA is a non-profit membership organization whose mission is to celebrate cultural diversity and provide opportunities for multicultural education and exchange. Membership in RIA brings the world to you and will keep you informed of multicultural.. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion Steady
Rochester Vidhyalaya Rochester Vidhyalaya is the educational wing of Layyasaaram and is a not for profit 501(3) c organization per IRS guidelines.Vision of Rochester VidhyalayaOur vision is to create, stimulate and promote interest in Indian Sub-continent’s Arts, Music, .. 501C-3 Non-Profit Arts & Culture ; Diversity and Inclusion Steady
State of Minnesota Minnesota was recently named the “Best-Run State” in the nation. Learn more about why our state is #1. Government Agency Addiction ; Aging ; Arts & Culture ; Basic Needs ; Business Process ; Civic Engagement ; Diversity and Inclusion ; Economic Development ; Education ; Mental Health
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