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Rochester Public Utilties

 Impact Lvl 1: Clean Air & water ; Sustainability
Public Report by Rochester Public Utilties
Last modified: May 02, 2019



2019 Residential Rate Structure Survey


Rate Structure Survey Results Presented at the April 30th RPU Board Meeting

The Rochester Public Utility Board was presented with the rate structure survey results at the April Board Meeting by representatives from Great Blue Research.

The purpose of the survey was to identify customer views and preferences with regards to the residential rate structure, energy conservation, knowledge and perception of electrification, preferred methods of communication, overall expectations of RPU, and overall satisfaction with RPU’s electric service.

Highlights of the survey include:

  • Three quarters of RPU Ratepayers consider the environmental impacts of their daily electric usage.
  • Slightly more than half are willing to pay more for clean energy.
  • 74% would be willing to change their consumption habits if they would pay 20% less for energy.
  • Close to half of ratepayers would welcome information on energy usage with most preferring direct mail – however, interest in emailed information  is on the rise.
  • Two thirds of customers would be ok to have their air conditioner interrupted for 15 minutes an hour on “peak usage days” but most – over 63% were not willing to have RPU manage their smart home devices to achieve the same goal.
  • Overall ratepayers are satisfied with RPU (91.2%).

“The information that we received back from the survey will be used to help the RPU Board set a direction for future residential rate structures as well as make decisions regarding electrification, energy conservation, energy consumption behaviors, and customer communications. Hearing from and considering the input of our customers is vital to being a community focused utility,” said RPU General Manager Mark Kotschevar.

The complete survey results will be available to view on the RPU website,



 Survey Presentation


From RPU Site 






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