Impact Lvl 1:
Best Practice
Civic Engagement
Diversity and Inclusion
Last modified: January 28, 2017
Diversity Council Dee Sabol used the following to trigger conversations on "what does Compass Points" point to next.
Community Network Group: 1/24/2017 CNG Meeting Minutes
Agencies represented included:
Rochester Area Foundation ; Bolder Options ; County of Olmsted, MN ; Diversity Council ; IBM On Demand Community ; Legal Assistance of Olmsted County ; Mayo Clinic ; Rochester Public Library ; United Way of Olmsted County ; University of Minnisota Rochester ; Rochester Area Family Y ; Alliance of Chicanos
Community Programs represented included:
Collaborative Leadership Fellow Program, City for Good Education
Agencies/Program Reps couldn't attend due to conflict:
Olmsted County Public Health Services , Otto Bremer Trust , Channel One Regional Food Bank, Minnesota Children's Museum - Rochester
CNG January 24, 2017 Meeting Notes
What and how we can use Olmsted/Rochester Compass Points 2016 to drive community progress?

Diversity Council Dee Sabol used the following to trigger conversations on "what does Compass Points" point to next.
Viewpoints from attendees:
1. What's next?
2. Data Analysis: agreement there is a need to make sense of the data to determine which social areas are important and the contributing factors: How affected groups are performing relative to each other? What is the baseline? What is trending? Concern that too general an aggregation may hide underlying subgroup's performance, eg. Asian grouping hides the fact that many subgroups are suffering.
3. Technology Enablement Opportunity: Opportunity to leverage Rochester's high-tech resources such as: IBM Turbo Teams that are working with a number of area non-profits on data collection and analytics. Examples include: 1. IBM Watson big data analysis tools. 2. Cognitive computing technologies 3. Cloud based smarter city solutions in both aggregation as well as disaggregation of data.
4. Data aggregation discussions - what to aggregate and how. Conversations around data feeds from individual sources. Legal and privacy issues? How often collection of data feeds are to occur? A number of this type of agency concerns indicate a potential for "technologists" to hold education or dialogs to hear those concerns as well as to explain the state of the art in data integration schema that can forward anonymous information on measurements while protecting individual identities. Mayo Clinic is a major contributor to open source genomic information sharing research. The Obama administration was active working on open data sharing and warehousing.
5. Framework for actions: Some concern about inaction if we get bogged down with data collection, metrics prioritization talks. An agile community could do both. Have on-going top-down metrics conversations based on Compass Points or DMC or Community Health while enabling bottom-up efforts that clearly identify their objectives, results and measures. Top-down and bottom-up when practices with intention and tooling support will avoid in-actions and lead to a meet-in-the-middle operational model. The webtool is a grass-roots tool to beam up this model.
6. Role of CNG: CNG purpose is networking and info sharing .. Come learn about what's going on and not so much decide what you should do.
Take Away
1. The Y is participating in "Rochester Youth Network" concept .Dawn Lubahn ( has more information. She wants to involve Al on this from team tooling perspective.
2. George Thompson and Al Lun one-on-one after the meeting wondered how we can broadcast the potential of Community Beam as a tool for info sharing and measurements hub. Possibilities include:
- Connected up area higher-ed. The theory is that most innovative communities have an intentional tie-in with universities. (Austin, Boston, Boulder, etc).
- How host a "training" meeting on the navigation, usage and improvement ideas for
3. CNG meets on last Thursday of the month. Next meeting's agenda is Transit Updates.
What is Compass Points?
PB Op Ed
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