- Community Health Metrics
Growing equitable communities rooted in compassion where all facets of human identity are understood and respected, and where every individual acts conscientiously and with courage.
Global: An equitable and inclusive community, where all individuals are empowered, conscientious, and courageous.
Civic Equity: Civic Equity is the realization of a society where all individuals receive equitable access to resources, protections, and opportunities. Each person enjoys: (a) equal treatment under law, both through law enforcement and the judicial system; (b) equitable access to and
representation in the political process; and (c) equal opportunity to engage in the design of and benefit from inclusive public policy.
Educational Equity: Educational equity exists when all individuals are fully prepared for the roles of their choice, regardless of personal or social circumstances. Educational equity requires systems of support that result in full access to opportunities that lead to personal growth.
Health Equity: Health equity is the attainment of the highest level of wellbeing for all individuals, regardless of personal or social determinants of health. Health equity requires the social, economic, and environmental conditions that result in full access to opportunities that lead to healthy lives.